The great thing about our little paradise is that we can spend several days in the same area and discover a new outdoor wonder world every time we go out. As a sports and outdoor lover you will fall in love with the unlimited hike, trail and bicycle possibilities all around the Valley de Lecrin the Sierra Nevada natural park and all neighboring valleys and mountain ranges.
Pinos del Valle - Izbor
11.66 km 3h30min 402m
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Pinos - Ermita - Quemado
7.5 km 3 hours 538m
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Pinos del Valle - Restábal
12 km 3 hours 430m
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Baño Chico y Grande (Dúrcal)
1.5km 25min 68m
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Melegis - Beznar lake - Izbor river
5.2km 1h15min 95m
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University Inn - Veleta (Sierra Nevada)
11 km 7 hours 641 m
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Vela Blanca - San Jose (Cabo de Gata)
17 km 5 or 6 hours 312 m
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Make sure to explore the cool downhill bike tracks of the Sierra Nevada Bike Park, usually open from July to August. Two lifts will bring you up to 18.5km of pure adrenaline.
Horse riding tours can be booked with Entre Montanas in Velez de Benaudalla and Caballos Palmali in Saleres.
Our personal trail recommendations for Mountain Biking & Canyoning will be published soon, stay tuned and curious!